Monday, March 05, 2007

The New Free State Politics is Almost Ready

OK, so here's where we are on the new Soapblox-powered version of FSP:

Currently, the site is parked at a temporary URL (no peeking!), while I finish working on the layout and waiting for my domain name registrar to give me access to the permanent URL, (.com, .org, and .net, unfortunately, were taken). You should be pleased with the design -- although I admit to ripping off the color scheme from my own blog, which is a subdued take on the colors of the Maryland flag. I tried plain red and plain yellow, but the effect is rather garish.

As for moving people over to the new site, here's what we'll do: Everyone who is now a contributor to FSP is invited to be a Guest Blogger at the new site. This means that you'll be able to post directly to the front page, edit and promote other people's diaries, and be able to troll-rate inappropriate comments. If you're interested, please email me at ikesmith at gmail dot com.

Barring any other difficulties, the site should go live by tomorrow, so stay tuned.

PS: If anyone knows a graphic designer who can do a small logo for the new site, please let me know.



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